
In The Trenches

2023: The best time to buy or build a business

Published 6 months ago • 1 min read

Welcome to In the Trenches. It’s great to have thousands of you here. My goal with this newsletter is to be all signal and no noise. To that end, make sure you let me know each week how you liked the content.

Over the next two weeks, I'll be giving a presentation at two conferences that will have over 1,000 business builders and buyers. The first is in Austin at the "Main Street v. Wall Street" Summit hosted by Codie Sanchez. Codie has built an unbelievable platform of over 5 million followers across social media and has become one of the more prolific voices around business building and buying. The second is in Missouri at "Main Street Summit" hosted by Brent Beshore and the Permanent Equity Team. Brent has become a good friend over the years and runs a $500M+ holding company - he has spent the past 15 years buying and building businesses.

When I thought about what I felt would be most interesting for this group, I wanted to share a non-obvious perspective on why I think it is the best time in history to build or buy a business.

The premise is simple - we are going through both a technology shift (via AI) and personnel shift (via global talent) that are having a really dynamic and interesting impact on both the scale that these traditionally small businesses can reach AND the margin profile that they can attain.

Here is the presentation.

Enjoy and let me know what you think.

Until next week,


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In The Trenches

By Romeen Sheth

Bootstrapped my business to $60M, brought in PE and currently in the next leg of the journey. Angel investor in 75+ companies. In this weekly newsletter I break down lessons learned, practical frameworks, tools & tactics to level up in business and life.

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